Calling all MUM's! I firmly believe that we learn from discussion! Please tell me what you've learned about delegation in general as well as some of the good and not so good delegation moments you've had!
Dennis Baker
5/13/2013 10:58:10 am

I have learned flexibility is essential in our work dynamic as we can be redirected at a whim to meet the company's expectations. Delegating tasks to the GM team makes this flexibility possible. MUM visits are scheduled, visitors come to town and need transportation, marketing promotional materials are shared among Castles and must be transferred, colleges go on vacation and their Castles need someone to call upon, new openings occur and help sent, any number of situations can happen needing quick attention at any time, and to get it all done delegation and teamwork among the General Managers within the district must be in place. Then the GM needs the same spirit of delegation and teamwork at the Castle level.

5/21/2013 01:47:12 pm

I agree that delegation is an essential part of good management techniques because it leads to flexibility and knowledge. When GM's and team members are competent and accustomed to managing different assignments, their experiences become valuable transferable skills.

Vernice Preston
5/15/2013 10:55:53 pm

Delegation is essential for the growth of the company. It enables the MUMS to be able to do other task. It also gives the one delegated to a learning experience which enables them to move up to the next level.Delegating also provides a tool for cross training for back up when situation occur that are out of our control. If you do not delegate it can cause you to fail in your job position because your are only as good as your team so you want then to be knowledgable and well informed.

Cheryl Morris
5/16/2013 04:59:46 am

I have learned that delegation enables people to learn new tasks and grow, to enhance his or her skills. Change happens everyday and managing your time to teach or delegrate a task can free MUM's time to work on another task. I have depended on General Managers to cross train in the district and share responsibilities in his or her store as well. One success in delegating that I have had is discussing delegation with a GM and observing the GM use this tool to free her time to work on other things. She has become a successful leader and trainer.

Steve Foreman
5/16/2013 05:16:08 am

Delegation requires good communication skills. If you have set a solid foundation with effective communication then the assignment is handled propely and with enthusiasm. Many times with delegation the entire team learns and feels more involved. They are also more committed to acheiving better results as a group. I find a large part of delegating is ensuring all of the resources are available whether it be a visual, check-off list, or follow up not just assigning twsks. It is also important to stay involved with the project with out taking it over so that the GM, Service Mechanic, Crew Manager ETC., has support or feels comfortable asking questions

Teresa Sergent
5/16/2013 12:02:08 pm

Delegation is necessary to get tasks done timely and build skills and confidence in teams. When a person is given an opportunity to use their skills and experience in a different or challenging way it gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment. This develops them as leaders and they are more willing to take on challenges and delegate themselves. This was shown recently when a GM was off for an extended period of time and some of the tasks in the Castle were delegated to a skilled Crew Manager. She was hesitant at first but when shown how to use the tools she took off and now is confident doing tasks she would have never challenged and has a renewed pride and confidence in herself.

Dwayne Mann
5/18/2013 12:25:25 am

Delegation is the key to success because when assigning task it builds experience and confidence in your General Managers. The MUMS teaches are General Managers to delegate so they build their leaders. It makes the General Managers follow up with their management team in turn builds a better operation.

Lora Schoeffel
5/18/2013 03:10:39 am

I have learned over the years that delegation is one of the most valuable competencies that we can have as leaders. As much as we would like to believe that we can accomplish anything that comes our way, very few of us can do that alone. Delegating allows us to teach and challenge our managers to handle situations that some would rather avoid. Watching them grow and gain the confidence necessary for them to perform at a higher level, as others have mentioned is very rewarding.

Larry Powers
5/21/2013 12:11:46 am

I have learned that delegating even the simplest tasks comes two fold, you will have GMs to complete the task in the time allotted and continue about their daily business needs, generally you see a boost of energy from the accomplished task as praise comes their way. On the other hand you will find GMs that seem to struggle both with the deadline and or understanding the tasks itself. This provides you the MUM the opportunity to train that GM in areas you may not of know was an issue.

Gail Gurney
5/21/2013 12:33:11 am

I have learned the Delegation process is critical to developing our GM’s. As the MUM it is very important for us to provide the what, where, when and why when delegating. Have the designee repeat the task, determine checkpoints and give verbal praise after the task is completed. This process develops the GM’s and strengthens our management team. I have seen the delegation process as a self-reward for my GM’s, they are proud they accomplished the task completely and timely. This process builds confidence within the GM’s and prepares them for their next position.

5/21/2013 05:54:12 am

I feel that delegation is a big part of our growing process for the GM's. As a MUM, it is our responsibility to grow the GM and give them task with a purpose so that they can make decisions that they know will affect their castle. Delegating to the GM helps them learn and grow themselves and will allow them to grow their leaders and delegate more to them.

Dorinda Lewis
5/21/2013 06:47:21 am

Since MUM Boot Camp #1 I have learned that in order to grow and develop others for the future they have to competency skills. One of the skills is delegating as a leader. As an Area working with the DS in Indy it has been extremely important for me to delegate to the DS in an effort to grow and develop the GM's and Shifts leaders within their districts. The good part to delegation is that you are trusting and empowering others (DS) to make decisions that affect the operations of the castles. The not so good part is when you have delegated to someone and they failed to meet the tasks that were delegated. Since MUM #2 my behavior change has been to work through the DS in 2013. As the Area in Indy I have found that the more I delegate through the DS it has helped the region to be consistent.

Dorinda Lewis
5/21/2013 06:48:26 am

Brenda Lumia
5/21/2013 08:04:27 am

Delegation sounds like such an easy thing to do but in fact it takes confidence and trust in others to be able to do this. I guess it's human nature to think we can do everything better ourself, right? As a MUM, I can't possibly do this on my own. I have some great GMs that I rely on regularly to meet deadlines. I am focusing on the few that need a gentle nudge from time to time to complete assignments in a timely manner. You can be the best delegator in the world, but follow up is essential in all levels of management to be successful.

5/21/2013 08:09:15 am

Delegation is important learning, growing and training tool for both the General Managers and myself. The General Managers gain knowledge in different areas of the operation and when they have mastered an area they are excited and ready for more responsibility. It helps me to understand which General Manager is in need of training and which ones have mastered an area and needs more to learn. Without delegation I can not achieve all I need to complete, the General Managers don't learn and then they stop growing their teams.

Cheryl Collier
5/21/2013 11:03:30 am

At one point in time I use to be one of those individuals that thought "if I didn't do it myself, it would not be done the way it should be". I find that delegating is not always an easy task when there is a communication break down. However, I now understand that delegating through others whether it is a GM, AGM, Crew Mgr. or etc., that I am letting them use their skills, abilities and imagination to prove themselves. I have been working with my GM's in delegating tasks to their management team, which will help the team in their delegation duties.

Sue Cortez
5/21/2013 02:21:41 pm

An important part of our General Managers’ hands-on training is delegation. It allows them to apply their career skills to many aspects of their job while still having the input and support of their District Supervisor.

Although I explain the task thoroughly, ask for clarification, and give General Managers (GMs) a deadline, I don’t believe that some of our tasks require a checkpoint. Some GMs may not need this step and in some cases the step does not seem to exist. However, a learning experience for me was when I believed the GM had a thorough understanding of the task at hand. Therefore, I presumed that he did not need a checkpoint, only to discover that he did not fully comprehend the assignment.

On the other hand, I had a good experience when the task was correctly completed on time and the GM modeled the behavior to their crew. Furthermore, the leaders also duplicated the desired routine.

Brad Arnold
5/22/2013 04:18:45 am

Delegation is such an important part of our everyday work/family life balance. We actually use this competency more than most people realize during our everyday conversations when we are training or teaching Team Members or our own family to accomplish various tasks around our homes or our work place. We have all probably found out the hard way that if we don't communicate thoroughly during the delegating process the task doesn't get completed on time or properly. Sometimes we use the delegation too loosely and we skip the most important parts of delegating "planning the delegation" and "celebrating a job well done". Working for White Castle and helping people grow and do better in their positions has been very rewarding and will increase our ability to be successful for another 92 years.

Mary Troia
5/22/2013 04:20:26 am

I believe as a MUM it is essential for me to delegate and work in partnership with my GM's. Delegation not only helps get tasks completed it teaches others that I have trust and confidence in them. When I delegate a task to a GM it seems they are always willing to help. It is helpful for me to assess the GM's skills and their current workload before delegating task.

5/26/2013 08:34:00 am

I have learned that delegation is an essential tool of teamwork.
As a MUM I know when I delegate a task to be completed it often involves the GM's networking together to get the task completed.
I have seen this be very successful as well I have seen it fail. Both occasions we have learned and growed with the experience. During our MUM visit the GM and myself discuss how the can share their workload with their leaders to build their confidence and knowledge.
Delegating does need to be monitored with follow up conversations to stay on track to meet deadlines.

Terry Fransen
5/27/2013 01:28:41 am

An effective leader starts out by coaching, teaching and suporting the people who works for them. Deligation is the next step for success.

Pat Sweeney
5/28/2013 01:49:33 am

I had a hard time of looking into the usefulness and time savings that delegation can provide. After the first Boot Camp and my work load double, I started to get a little over whelmed. After I settled down and got my GMs on board everything started to work fine. I then started to notice that my work life balance was tipping to right. I went back to the drawing board and remembered about the delegation and took a good hard look at myself and noticed that I was trying to do it all myself. There is no way that I could stay in the right state of mind all of the time unless I figured out how to use delegation. I decided on which task were the most important and then decided on if they could be delegated. By doing this I noticed that me and my GMs were growing stronger and becoming a better team.
Since then I have and will continue to delegate what ever tasks I believe that will help my team grow and by doing this it is creating a stronger team.

5/29/2013 04:10:08 am

Delegation happens through communication, which is the key factor necessary in running a successful business. Every position level needs precise and clear communication which entails the (where,why what,how and when). We all depend on each other for one reason or another. Everyone must be updated in a timely manner with all new information needed to complete task and achieve goal. Everyone involve completes their assign because their are motivated and feels validated as part of the team.

5/29/2013 11:22:49 am

I learned that delegation is very important when you are a multiunit manager. I learned this the hard way, that if you don't have good communication skills how can you expect to succeed in delegation. I had to stop and rethink how I was communicating with my General Managers, and change myself first so that they can be more successful at delegation. To be successful at delegation to achieve your goals the people that you are delegating to must have a clear understanding of your path and expectations. Once you have clearly explain your path and what the end results look like now they clearly understand what's expected of them. It took me a little longer to get the clear understanding of delegation but now, we are clearly on the right path to be successful with delegation.

5/30/2013 08:27:41 am

I found through working with many new changes and challenges.That I must re-think my way on how things are done. I found that by delegating effectively, you can hugely expand the amount of work that you can accomplish. Also, to delegate effectively, I need to choose the right individual for the given task and to give clear and concise directions in order to be successful and deadlines of completion. With working more through my GM's and Managers, I see much more confidence in them and giving them the empowerment and being part of the team.

5/30/2013 08:58:04 am

I have learned that delegation is a big part of completing tasks in a timely manner. In todays business if you are in the mind set that you need to complete all tasks yourself, your dreaming. In our business we have very many tasks to complete. Going over the tasks you want to assign your GM's will help in the daily needs of each castle as well as grow the GM's to become a stronger leader. I have also learned that making sure that there is a time to complete tasks helps to priortize the day, week and month.

Darrin Cotton
5/30/2013 01:40:46 pm

It's necessary to delegate for the success of our operations and General Managers. The MUM boot camps have really allowed me to be able to better identify items and things that need to be delegate more. As MUM's, we are try to get things done fast so often we would rather do it our self. It really comes down to changing our mindsets.

Ana Palomino
6/4/2013 12:03:23 pm

Delegation is an important key factor for our Company success. As a MUM I understand that I can not do all by myself. By delegating I am helping an individual to grow, have the opportunity to develop their knowledge, become valuable, well informed and trusted.To be responsible is resulting in accountability using their own methods and process facilitating success. Knowing their capabilities and removing the fear factor I can assure that everyone can succeed and grow as a team. Delegating the job helps build motivation, commitment and GM's can hugely expand the amount of work that they can deliver.

Dwayne Meyer
6/7/2013 12:38:07 pm

Delegation is one of the most important competencies a leader can possess. It not only lets the person that uses it effectively grow by mastering a task by teaching others, it also allows time for other tasks to be done. It grows others during this process that work for you by letting them learn new tasks and gain more knowledge as well which is vital for growth. Delegation, if done properly, will only make the company stronger.

James LeMaster
6/13/2013 05:43:42 am

I have learned that Delegation is a very important part of my job to keep a work/home life balance. Delegation is also very important in developing my General Managers to achieve their goals. Delegation shows them that I have confidence in them. I’m only holding them back if I do not give them this chance. This does give the GMs confidence and a since of pride after completing a task. This also is helping my GMs learn to delegate to their Crew Managers. This has become so important now for the GMs to delegate so they can run their castle. I think delegation makes my team stronger.

Barbara Exline
9/20/2013 12:47:30 am

I've learned that successful delegation takes time and energy but, is definitely worth it to have employees succeed and develop. Delegation fosters employee involvement and gives tham a chance to enhance their knowlewdge and skills. I realize I can not do everthing myself and through using good delegation techniques I can build a strong and effective team

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    March 2013

